Cloud-Based Single Platform Messaging June 28, 2023

Get the Right Message to the Right Person at the Right Time

Businesses are looking to engage with customers in increasingly diverse ways.

The sheer number of siloed messaging services deployed can lead to confusion and disjointed communications creating a poor customer experience as well as increased costs, reduced reliability and complicated analytics

OpenText™ Notifications is a cloud-based omni-channel messaging platform that delivers messages through email, SMS, push, voice and fax.

By bringing messaging channels together into a single platform, businesses can deliver meaningful, timely messages to customers based on their preferences.

* Omni-channel delivery via a single cloud platform

* Enterprise-class resiliency, scalability and security

* Rich insights with operational analytics

* Assured email and SMS delivery

Full details of OpenText Notifications can be found in this brochure and video.

Please contact me for more information or a free demo of this innovative solution.

by Tracey Whelan

Business Director at Nirva

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