Achieve 70% Savings In Customer Comms Testing October 13, 2022

If you’re changing an application, upgrading or migrating from one customer comms platform to another, testing is crucial but very time consuming.

The award winning high speed comparison tool, STREAMdiff, produces savings of 70% to 90% in time and costs.

In a fraction of the time that a manual approach takes, STREAMdiff automates the tedious and labour-intensive task of comparing two output streams e.g. AFP, Metacode, PCL, PDF or Postscript.

On average, document testing takes up 50% of your projects’ time. STREAMdiff reduces costs, time, effort and risks by:
* Automating the comparison between your original and newly created documents.

* Reducing your changes review and approval process.

* Providing a clear visual comparison of the differences e.g. position, font, resolution and colour.

* Improving accuracy with down to the pixel comparison

Full details of the STREAMdiff tool can be found in this brochure.

Please contact me for more information or a free demo of this award winning product.

by Tracey Whelan

Business Director at Nirva

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